FKIK-Unismuh Conducts Al-Iqra Medical Journal Governance Workshop - FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES
FKIK-Unismuh Conducts Al-Iqra Medical Journal Governance Workshop
June 7, 2024 Comments Off on FKIK-Unismuh Conducts Al-Iqra Medical Journal Governance Workshop news fkunismuh

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, held a workshop with the theme “Workshop on Improving Governance of Al-Iqra Medical journal FKIK-Unismuh. Thursday, 06 June 2024, 09.00 WITA-Finish, Public Lecture Room, 4th Floor, FKIK-Unismuh, with the aim of improving scientific writing and publication skills for lecturers and students of pre-clinical and professional medical education which is carried out once a year.

This activity was opened directly by the dean of FKIK-Unismuh, Prof.Dr.dr.Suryani As’ad,, Sp.GK(K). “We expect cooperation from all lecturers, none other than those who play an important role here, namely editors and reviewers, who are the first door to reviewing journals or articles that come in from the author, while the reviewer’s responsibility is how to find or obtain articles that are required to be able to carry out the substance of the science. In this article, we aim to be able to get through to Sita Two.”

Juliani Ibrahim, S.KM, M.Sc, Ph.D. As the person in charge of activities targeting the Al-Iqra Medical Journal FKIK-Unismuh, which is currently accredited with Sinta 4, will achieve Sinta 2 accreditation in 2025. “This workshop is our effort to provide more support to researchers and academics in producing scientific work that quality and can be published internationally, for now the Al-Iqra Medical Journal is included in FKIK-Unismuh, but for now we are focusing on scientific publications for medical education students, in this case clinical students and the medical education profession, because it is managed by the medical, education study program doctors and professions.” Said Juliani as the person in charge of the activity.

Al-Iqra Medical Journal FKIK-Unismuh consists of editors and reviewers, the editor has broader responsibility in overall journal management and makes final decisions regarding article publication, while reviewers provide evaluations and recommendations for specific articles based on their knowledge and expertise in the field of science. certain.

Juliani also said “We consist of more than 20, consisting of editors and reviewers, actually all the lecturers are involved, one of which is the medical study program, namely Dr. Dr. Ami Febriza Ahmad, M.Kes., whose position is as a reviewer, we also have MARC FK-Unismuh, a research focused institution, and there are alumni who are now young lecturers from MARC-FK Unismuh, dr. Dzar Fadli El Furqan and dr. Rolly Riksanto, “That is very helpful, so he is a young lecturer who focuses on research, he is none other than the current generation for medical education. I also have high hopes for MARC FK-Unismuh to be able to become a forum for achieving this target.”

It is hoped that this workshop can be a start for the lecturers and students involved in producing quality scientific works and making a positive contribution to the development of science and academics, especially in the health sector.