Workshop on Making Blue Prints and Osce CSL Questions FKIK Unismuh - FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES
Workshop on Making Blue Prints and Osce CSL Questions FKIK Unismuh
June 16, 2024 Comments Off on Workshop on Making Blue Prints and Osce CSL Questions FKIK Unismuh news fkunismuh

Makassar- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, held a workshop entitled “Creating Blue Prints and OSCE CSL Questions” which was attended by teaching staff and administrative staff of FKIK UNISMUH. Friday – Saturday, 7 – 8 June 2024, Hotel Vasaka Makassar.

In this workshop, the creation of blueprints and CSL OSCE questions is a systematic plan in preparing a curriculum that maps learning material in detail and is structured both through FKIK UNISMUH modules and e-learning which is held every semester. This is considered important in ensuring that learning and evaluation objectives are in line with the desired competencies.

This workshop was opened directly by the Dean of FKIK UNISMUH, Prof.Dr.dr.Suryani As’ad, M.Sc., Sp.GK(K). “This activity every semester is a form of lecturers’ commitment to maintaining the quality of education at FKIK UNISMUH.”

Apart from that, the workshop also discussed the development of CSL OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) questions. OSCE CSL is an evaluation method used in medical education to measure students’ clinical skills objectively and in a standardized manner. Workshop participants were given guidance in designing OSCE questions that are relevant to the competencies they wish to evaluate, as well as techniques in preparing effective OSCE stations.

The Workshop presenter Dr.dr. Ami Febriza Achmad, M. Kes. as KAPRODI (Head of Study Program), Dr.dr.Ugi Aras, M.Kes from MEU (Medical Education Unit) and Dr.Sumarni, Sp.Jp from SAU (Student Assessment Unit) FKIK UNISMUH.

Dr. dr. Ami Febriza Achmad, M.Kes, one of the speakers at the workshop, emphasized the importance of collaboration between teaching staff in creating blueprints and OSCE CSL questions to ensure consistency and relevance in student evaluations. “By having a clear blueprint and well-designed OSCE questions, we can ensure that the clinical learning process is effective and students can develop the necessary clinical skills.”

This workshop is expected to provide in-depth understanding to participants in designing quality clinical learning as well as objective and standardized evaluations in accordance with the latest developments in medical education.

Dr. Samsul Rahmat, as lecturer and chairman of the workshop said “FKIK UNISMUH is really improving and the biggest challenge at the moment is to maintain international accreditation, of course we are trying to improve, one of which is providing the best facilities. In retrospect, compared to when I was a student, technologically it was very clearly different. As a student, in this case, alumni will make lessons and if asked, I am committed and will be frank about things that we feel need to be maintained or changed, as a form of our commitment and mandate as lecturers.”

Apart from that, Dr. Samsul Rahmat emphasized the importance of evaluation. “The campus has prepared videos for e-learning and this is concrete evidence of changes from year to year. We also really hope that students will provide evaluations in this case by filling in the G-form. We provide it at the end of every semester, to see what should be maintained and improved.”

The event took place with high enthusiasm and collaboration from the participants, and ended with a discussion session on creating a CSL FKIK UNISMUH question bank.