Category: news

Category: news

Student Executive Board and Faculty of Medicine Leadership Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Unite in the Opening of the Adopted Village in Mandalle Village
July 30, 2023 news BEM-FK UNISMUH

[Makassar, July 30, 2023] – The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah (BEM FK Unismuh), in close collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine leadership, celebrated the official opening of the Adopted Village in Mandalle Village. The event, held on this date, showcased a series of activities ranging from health education to

Hundreds of Pharmacy Study Program Students at FKIK Unismuh Makassar Participate in an International Lecture.
Image July 25, 2023 collaboration,mahasiswa,news,Prodi Farmasi fkunismuh

Source : Hundreds of students from the Pharmacy Study Program (Prodi Farmasi) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar gathered with enthusiasm to attend an international lecture on Saturday, July 22, 2023. The international lecture was held with great enthusiasm in the Mini Hall on the 1st

Discussing Mental Health Promotion Strategies, the Midwifery Study Program at FKIK Unismuh Invites Filipino Academician.
Image July 25, 2023 news fkunismuh

Source : Academic achievements continue to be carved out by the Midwifery Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of Muhammadiyah University Makassar (Unismuh), one of which is organizing an international lecture entitled “Empowering Resilience and Well-Being: Transformative Strategies for Mental Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention and Caring Framework

Bringing Filipino Lecturer, Nursing Study Program at FKIK Unismuh Makassar Successfully Holds International Lecture.
Image July 25, 2023 collaboration,event,mahasiswa,news,Prodi Keperawatan fkunismuh

Source : The Nursing Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) at Muhammadiyah University Makassar (Unismuh) successfully organized an International Lecture on Saturday, July 22, 2023. The event took place at the 3rd-floor Hall of FKIK Unismuh Makassar and featured Chintya Jane Villanueva, RN, MN, a lecturer from Ateneo

Leadership in the digitalization era
Image July 19, 2023 news PIKOM IMM FK UNISMUH

Leadership in the digitalization era is a theme taken at the DAD foll up which was held at the UNISMUH assembly hall which was attended by 51 Immawan, 189 Immawati in a study which did not only discuss leadership but also how the digitalization era affects such leadership. Every human being is a leader so

Finalists of Scientific Essay “Warmadewa Aesculapius Scientific Competition ” Presentation at Warmadewa University
Image July 17, 2023 MARC,news,prestasi,Prodi S1 Kedokteran MARC-FK UNISMUH

The flame of scholarly enthusiasm burns brightly among students at Muhammadiyah University who have achieved remarkable success in a Scientific Essay competition held at Warmadewa University. This competition serves not only as a platform to showcase writing skills but also as a stage for exploring scientific thinking and encouraging participants to delve into the complexities

FMHS UNISMUH Makassar Showcases Healthcare Innovations at KOAMEX 2023 International Medical Device Exhibition
Image July 8, 2023 collaboration,event,news fkunismuh

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of Muhammadiyah University Makassar (UNISMUH) successfully participated in the KOAMEX 2023 International Medical Device Exhibition, held from June 30 to July 2 at EXCO, Daegu, South Korea. This event provided FKIK UNISMUH with an opportunity to promote and introduce Muhammadiyah University Makassar, specifically FKIK, to an international

FMHS Unismuh Signed MoU with K Medi Hub. (무함마디아 마카사르 대학과 케이메디허브 MOU 체결)
Image July 8, 2023 collaboration,news fkunismuh

Source : [The Times Correspondent Mata Shik] Following the KOAMEX 2023 International Medical Device Exhibition held at EXCO from June 30 to July 2 , Yang Jin-young, Chairman of K-Medi Hub, Ambo Asse, President of Indonesia , and Suryani As’ad, Dean of Indonesia, attended the event on July 4 . We signed an MOU and agreed to cooperate . Deputy Dean and Neurology Specialist, Dr. Andi Weri Sompa , is delighted to be invited to the Koamex2023 event in

Image June 22, 2023 mahasiswa,news,prestasi,Prodi S1 Kedokteran fkunismuh

MUHAMMAD RISQULLAH AMMAR, OUTSTANDING GRADUATE OF FKIK UNISMUH MAKASSAR, BECOMES THE BEST GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY Prof. Ambo Asse, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar, presented awards to nine outstanding male and female graduates at the faculty and postgraduate level. The awards were given during the 79th graduation ceremony of Unismuh, held at the

Finalists of Scientific Essay and Public Poster “Muhammadiyah Jakarta Sceintific Competition” Presentation at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta
Image June 6, 2023 mahasiswa,MARC,news,organisasi,prestasi MARC-FK UNISMUH

On June 2, 2023 two finalist teams from FK unismuh presented their scientific work at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta in the national competition event “Muhammadiyah Jakarta Sceintific Competition”. This competition raised the theme PREECLAMPSIA “The Problems and Health Challanges Of Reproduction in Global Era”. The competition was participated by 20 universities in Indonesia. In the scientific
