Nursing Study Program of FKIK Unismuh – Another lecturer of Nursing Study Program of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar earned a doctoral degree at Hasanuddin University.
Sitti Zakiyyah Putri, a lecturer in Nursing at Unismuh Makassar, successfully defended her dissertation in front of examiners in a Promotion Session held online, Thursday, July 14, 2022.
She successfully defended her dissertation entitled “The Effect of Giving Rosela Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Petal Extract on Hemoglobin Levels, Ferritin Levels, Divalent Metal Transporter1 (DMT1) Levels in Anemic Wistar Strain White Rats (Rattus Novergikus)”.
In completing her dissertation, Sitti Zakiyyah was guided by Promoter Prof. Budu, Co-Promoter Prof. Rosdiana Natzir and Prof. Gemini Alam.
While the external examiner team is Dr. Mansur Ibrahim (External Examiner). The internal examiners consisted of Dr Irfan Idris, Agussalim Bukhari PhD, Dr Upik Anderiani Miskad, Dr Burhanuddin Bahar, and Dr Yuliana Syam.
The results of Zakkiyah’s research show that Rosela Flower Petals can treat anemia, by increasing hemoglobin levels in anemic wistar strain white rats (rattus norvegicus), at a dose of 100 mg/KgBB/day, 300 mg/KgBB/day and a dose of 500 mg/KgBB/day.
Profile of Dr. Sitti Zakkiyah Putri, S.ST, S.Kep, M.Kes
Sitti Zakiyyah Putri was born in Ujung Pandang, on July 18, 1974. She completed her D III Nursing education in 1996 and D IV Nursing in 1999. While her Bachelor of Nursing degree was completed in 2009.
She took her master’s education at the Biomedical Master Program from 2009 to 2011. She then continued her doctoral program in Medical Science since 2019.
Since 1997, she has been listed as a Permanent Lecturer at the Muhammadiyah Makassar Nursing Academy. Then moved to West Sulawesi, as a staff of the Majene Regency Health Office (2003-2007).
Her employment status changed to DPK Lecturer (Hired) Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) Region IX which was placed at the Marendeng Majene College of Health Sciences (2012-2019).
In 2019, Sitti Zakiyyah moved to Unismuh Makassar. She was placed in the D III Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK).
As an academic, she has written dozens of journals, both national and international.