GUEST LECTURE K-MEDIHUB KOREA : Strengthening Internationalization through Enhancing the Quality of Human Resources via Education, Research, Collaboration, and Community Services
October 12, 2023 No Comments collaboration,event,news,Prodi Farmasi,Prodi Kebidanan,Prodi Keperawatan,Prodi Profesi Dokter,Prodi S1 Kedokteran fkunismuh

On October 12, 2023, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) at UNISMUH Makassar hosted an exceptionally inspiring guest lecture. The event, which took place at the Hall on the first floor of the FKIK building at UNISMUH Makassar, was attended by faculty members and students from five different programs within the FKIK.

This guest lecture was part of a collaborative initiative with K-Medi Hub Korea, a leading institution in the global health sector. With the theme “Strengthening Internationalization through Enhancing the Quality of Human Resources via Education, Research, Collaboration, and Community Services,” the event aimed to provide profound insights into how education, research, collaboration, and community services play a pivotal role in advancing human resource quality in the field of health.

The event was expertly moderated by Dr. Dara Ugi, a distinguished faculty member from FKIK Unismuh Makassar. Her guidance added an extra layer of professionalism and ensured the smooth flow of the program.

The highlight of the event was Mr. Yu Ji Hoon’s lecture. Mr. Yu Ji Hoon, a prominent expert in the field of health, emphasized the crucial role of educators and students, particularly in the field of medicine, in conducting global research and collaboration. He underscored that through cross-border collaboration and in-depth research, significant breakthroughs can be made in efforts to enhance the quality of health services.

Participants from various programs at FKIK UNISMUH Makassar were highly engaged in this guest lecture. The exchange of ideas and discussions between participants and speakers reflected a genuine eagerness to be involved in efforts to elevate human resource quality in the field of health.

The event also saw the presence of representatives from other faculties of medicine who had previously signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with K-Medi Hub. This further demonstrated the collaborative spirit and commitment to advancing global health.

This event not only provided fresh insights but also expanded the collaborative network between FKIK UNISMUH Makassar and K-Medi Hub Korea. It is hoped that this collaboration will bring significant benefits to both parties, as well as make a positive contribution to strengthening internationalization in education and research in the field of health.

The guest lecture represents a tangible step towards realizing the vision of FKIK UNISMUH Makassar and K-Medi Hub Korea in creating a better world of health through quality education, research, collaboration, and community services. May events like this continue to be held to continually advance the field of health towards a brighter future.