Visitation of ASIIN International Accreditation has Completed
Took place on September 27, 2023. The visitation covered two study programs: Bachelor of Medicine and Medical Doctor, and it occurred from September 26 to 27, 2023.
The formal closing ceremony took place on the 16th floor of the Iqra Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. It was attended by important figures, including university leaders like the Rector and vice rectors, as well as all academic members of FMHS Unismuh Makassar. The ASIIN assessors were also present to evaluate the preparation and quality of the audited study programs.
Prof. Thomas, a representative of the ASIIN team, stated, “The ASIIN certification will be discussed by the ASIIN team and will be released in the near future.” He also added, “So far, the preparation and documents provided have been outstanding. There are no major issues encountered, and the study programs remain consistent with what was submitted by the program team. The infrastructure provided, including the anatomy laboratory, meets high standards. Additionally, the approach to curriculum development, support system (PA), student involvement, and supporting facilities are also very good. Students are satisfied with what the study program offers and are motivated to complete their studies on time, while the roles of stakeholders have also been accommodated.”
However, Prof. Thomas also noted some areas that need improvement. “We need to enhance opportunities for students with disabilities and different cultural backgrounds, in line with the inclusive education principles advocated by ASIIN. This will train us to provide better educational services as an educational institution,” he stated. He also emphasized the importance of improving cooperation with various stakeholders, enhancing disaster mitigation to level 4, and strengthening international efforts, including the international mobility of students and research. “These recommendations must be implemented,” he emphasized.

Mr. Christian, in looking ahead after accreditation, revealed that in the next 4-5 weeks, the draft visitation results will be released, and the study programs will have the opportunity to provide comments or suggestions. The final decision will be made between early December and March.
Prof. Suryani and Prof. Ambo, representing the university and faculty, expressed gratitude to the ASIIN team for their recommendations and to the FKIK Unismuh Makassar team for their strong cooperation in undergoing this visitation process.
This international accreditation is expected to provide a positive boost for FKIK Unismuh Makassar in pursuing its vision of becoming a Research University and continuing to enhance the quality of their medical education.