Category: organisasi
Category: organisasi
Finalists of Scientific Essay and Public Poster “Muhammadiyah Jakarta Sceintific Competition” Presentation at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta
On June 2, 2023 two finalist teams from FK unismuh presented their scientific work at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta in the national competition event “Muhammadiyah Jakarta Sceintific Competition”. This competition raised the theme PREECLAMPSIA “The Problems and Health Challanges Of Reproduction in Global Era”. The competition was participated by 20 universities in Indonesia. In the scientific
DetailsCreative Video Competition in AEPRO activities
A creative video competition is a competition in presenting an audio-visual work based on motion-pictures which contains content about a certain theme which is packaged creatively which can be used for learning purposes as well as conveying certain messages or meanings to the public. The theme of the creative video competition is “Emergency Knowledge for
DetailsMARC-FK Unismuh Members Won 2nd Place in Educational Video at the Ar-Razi Competition Which Was Attended By 20 Faculties of Medicine from Various Universities in Indonesia
On October 8, 2022 Medical Ar-razi Research Community held a national scientific competition event, namely Ar-razi Competition. This competition was attended by 20 Faculties of Medicine from various universities in Indonesia held online with the theme “Improve Comprehensive Cardiorespy Emergency in An Effort Management to Improve Public Health Status”. In the educational video competition branch,
DetailsNational Achievement Of MARC FK UNISMUH Members In The Scientific Essay Writing Field
Students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Unismuh Makassar again made achievements in national scale student scientific competitions. There are three national competitions that have become a forum for the achievements of members of the Medical Ar-razi research community FK UNISMUH, namely Travel Health Scientific Competition (TRESCOM), Ar-Razi Competition (ARC), and Hasanuddin Scientific
DetailsMARC FK UNISMUH – Two Public Poster Competition Branch Teams Become Finalists, Offline Presentation at the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra Medan
Scripta Research Festival was held on January 28, 2023 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra Medan. This national competition was attended by 19 universities from all over Indonesia. Two public poster teams from FK UNSIMUH who became finalists in the top ten category went to Medan and made presentations. Students with the
DetailsMARC-FK Unismuh Delegation Won 2nd Place in Public Poster at “BAPIN Birthday Competition”
Students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Unismuh Makassar again made achievements in the national scale student scientific competition, BAPIN Birthday Competition.FKIK Unismuh students participated in the public poster competition by sending delegates on behalf of Yusril Ramadhan, A. Nur Khofifah Amalia Syah and Arief Zaqiuddin. This team won 2nd place in the
DetailsIMM FK Unismuh Holds DAD, Followed by 280 Participants
The leadership of the commissariat (Pikom) Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassat held the opening of the Basic Darul Arqam (DAD0). This activity was held in the Hall of FKIK Unismuh Makassar The cadre which carries the theme “Internalization of bond values in creating militant IMM cadres” was attended