IMM FK Unismuh Holds DAD, Followed by 280 Participants
The leadership of the commissariat (Pikom) Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassat held the opening of the Basic Darul Arqam (DAD0). This activity was held in the Hall of FKIK Unismuh Makassar
The cadre which carries the theme “Internalization of bond values in creating militant IMM cadres” was attended by 2022 batch students with a total of 280 participants Head of Pikom IMM FK Unismuh Andi Ratu Panca Indriani explained that for this DAD two batches were held, namely for the first batch taking place on 26 February – 3 March at the Unismuh Makassar Education and Training Center with 150 participants.
“For the second stage, it will take place March 3-14 2023 at Fort Somba Opu with 130 participants participating,” he explained. He explained that DAD was held to produce militant cadres and also to strengthen the scientific capacity of FK students. “This is also for the regeneration of IMM cadres, especially the IMM FK UNISMUH pikom” he concluded.