Nursing Study Program FKIK Unismuh– The existence of nurses is essential in health services. Because nurses and nursing have a fundamental role in every phase of health care; both the treatment and intensive care phase, the recovery phase, the rehabilitation phase, and even the initial handling phase.
One of the most important phases in health care is the initial management of patients, especially emergency patients. The importance of the initial handling of emergency patients is because the results of the handling phase will determine the level of final achievement of the entire health care process. The competence of nurses in every phase of health care, especially the initial handling of emergency patients, is important to be continuously improved.
The vision of the Nursing Study Program of FKIK Unismuh Makassar is to become an Islamic, independent, globally competitive, trusted and superior nursing study program in the field of emergency nursing in 2025.
In order to support the competency needs and vision, the nursing study program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar held a webinar with the theme “Airway Management System: Emergency Nursing Care with the 3 S Approach (SDKI, SIKI, SLKI)”, with speaker Ns. Arman, S.Kep., M.Kep. on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 08.30-12.00 WITA. Acting as moderator Fitria Hasanuddin, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. and master of ceremony Sitti Maryam Bachtiar, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. The webinar activity took place online through the zoom cloud meeting application. Present as participants, apart from faculty leaders and leaders of nursing study programs, were also lecturers and students of the FKIK Unismuh Makassar nursing study program. The activity took place warmly with a discussion at the end of the session, as well as enthusiastic patient responses until the end.
The Dean of FKIK Unismuh, Prof. DR. dr. Suryani As’ad, M.Sc., Sp.GK (K) in his remarks expressed his appreciation for organizing the activity, as well as his hope that webinar activities can be followed up with practical training activities (hands on). This is due to the importance of competence in the webinar material, the competence and experience of qualified resource persons, and its suitability for the vision and mission of FKIK Unismuh, especially the FKIK Unismuh nursing study program.
The speaker was Ns. Arman, S.Kep., M.Kep. is the head of the Intensive Care Unit of Tadjuddin Khalid Hospital Makassar. Previously, he had served in the ICU, Emergency Room, Nursing, Infection Control, PICU, and NICU. In addition to the formal education of Masters in Nursing and Nurse Profession, training as a participant and trainer that he has participated in include: Safety Management, BT and CSL, Divine Quantum Training, ICU Nurse, Nursing Care, Patient Safety & Chronic Risk Management, Excellent Service, Emergency Nursing, Safe Intravenous Therapy, Survaillance, Patient Safety, BTCSL AGD, BLS, Hospital Infection Preventing Control Ners, Disaster Nursing, Methanol Intoxication Handling, Preceptorship, ESQ Certificate, Gadar, PHLS, Modern IGD Concept & Critical Patient Update, Snake Bite Management, Health Functional Position Credit Score Assessment, ACLS, Preparedness of Health Facilities Facing Corona Virus, & Teaching Personnel.