In commemoration of World Nutrition Day, the Nutrition Department of FKIK UNISMUH carries out Free Counseling and Health Checks at the Al-Bahri Orphanage - FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES
In commemoration of World Nutrition Day, the Nutrition Department of FKIK UNISMUH carries out Free Counseling and Health Checks at the Al-Bahri Orphanage
June 18, 2024 Comments Off on In commemoration of World Nutrition Day, the Nutrition Department of FKIK UNISMUH carries out Free Counseling and Health Checks at the Al-Bahri Orphanage news fkunismuh

There are many ways and activities that can be done to mark an anniversary. This is what the students of the FK Department of Nutrition did on Saturday, June 1 2024 at the Al-Bahri orphanage.

The activity entitled Nutrition Trip 2024 was created by the Nutrition Department of FKIK UNISMUH which was attended by the Department Assistant, Head of the Nutrition Department, Dr. Rima January Sp.GK and dr. Asdar Sp.B Deputy Dean 3 FKIK UNISMUH.

The activities carried out are health checks in the form of nutritional status checks for orphanage children as well as blood tests such as regular blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid for orphanage administrators. After the examination, education will be immediately carried out by Dr. Rima January Sp.GK as head of the nutrition department of FKIK UNISMUH.

Apart from health checks, Sarah and her friends played several games with the orphanage children and provided basic food packages below.

The aim of this activity is to facilitate children and administrators to check their condition, especially nutritional status. The hope of this activity is that orphanage administrators and children can pay attention to food intake so that they can prevent abnormal nutritional conditions.

“This activity is very beneficial for the children, especially for us (orphanage administrators). With this activity, we can find out the health status of the children in the orphanage,” said one of the orphanage caregivers.

The 2024 Gizi Trip activities closed with a joint prayer