Six FKIK Unismuh Delegates Join the National Physiology Olympiad Event
November 10, 2022 No Comments news fkunismuh

FKIKUNISMUH – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) Unismuh Makassar sent six delegates to take part in the National Physics Olympiad organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, 14 – 16 October 2022 in Surabaya.

The six delegates who were sent were students of the Medical Education Study Program in two batches, namely
Muhammad Risqullah Ammar (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2019), Yusril Ramadhan (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2019), Arief Zaqiuddin (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2019).

As well as Qurratu Ainy (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2020), Rifqah Amalia (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2020) and Anisah Ainun Zahrah (Medical Education Study Program Class of 2020).

Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPhO) is a national physiology Olympiad for medical students throughout Indonesia organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya.

This Olympiad is an annual event that involves medical students, especially physiology department assistants from various medical faculties.

Muhammad Risqullah Ammar, one of the delegates of FKIK Unismuh said that IMPhO is a useful activity in supporting science.

“IMPhO is an event that can increase the capacity and scientific capabilities of medical students, here we learn to compete and collaborate to be able to provide the best,” he said.

Muhammad Risqullah, who is also the Head of BEM FK UNISMUH, added that the IMPhO activity went through a long selection with the FK UI and FK UNAIR delegates winning.

Although the FKIK Unismuh delegation is still grateful and proud of the process that has been passed, hopefully it can be even more optimal in the learning process, we thank our teachers for their prayers, support and guidance.

This activity received appreciation from the leadership of FKIK Unismuh including physiology department lecturers who were also supervisors of this year’s IMPhO competition, one of them was Dr. Nurmila, Sp.PD,.M.Kes.

Dr. Nurmila said that “The existence of this Olympiad trains students to understand physiology science better and learn a lot from the process they go through so that they can share their knowledge and experience with their juniors as future delegates so that they can be more optimal.”

IMPhO was coupled with a city tour in Surabaya and was closed very solemnly by the Dean of FK Unair Prof.Dr. dr. Budi Santoso, Sp.OG (K) who is also the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI) 2022-2024.