Workshop : Curriculum Development for the Emergency Medicine Specialist Education Program
The Workshop on Developing Curriculum for Specialist Emergency Medicine Education Program, organized by FMHS UNISMUH Makassar, marks a significant step towards the advancement of specialist education in the field of emergency medicine in Indonesia. The workshop was held on May 27-28, 2023, and was inaugurated by the Dean of FMHS, Prof. Dr. dr. Suryani As’ad, M.Sc., Sp.GK(K).
This workshop featured experienced and knowledgeable speakers in their respective fields. The first speaker was Dr. Suryanto Eko Agung Nugroho Sp.EM, KDM, the Chairman of the Indonesian Emergency Medicine Collegium, who presented on the Competency Standards of Doctors and Policies in Emergency Specialist Education in Indonesia. As the chairman of the collegium, Dr. Suryanto possesses deep insights into the competency requirements for emergency doctors and the crucial role of policies in advancing specialist education in this field.

The second speaker in the workshop was Dr. Sri Asriyani, Sp.Rad(K), M.Med.Edu. She delivered a presentation on the Principles of Curriculum Development for Specialist Education. With her expertise in radiology and medical education, Dr. Sri Asriyani provided insights into the principles that need to be considered when designing the curriculum for specialist education in emergency medicine.
The workshop was conducted as part of the plan to establish a new study program at FMHS. By introducing the Specialist Emergency Medicine Education Program, FMHS UNISMUH Makassar aims to provide opportunities for students and healthcare professionals to develop specialized competencies in the field of emergency medicine. This is crucial considering the increasing demand for high-quality emergency specialists due to the complexity of medical cases that require prompt and accurate management.
During the workshop, participants were exposed to various essential aspects of curriculum development for specialist emergency medicine education. From understanding competency standards to the principles that should be applied in curriculum development, participants were guided to comprehend the strong foundations required to develop a high-quality education program.

Active participation from workshop attendees is vital in formulating a curriculum that aligns with the needs and current developments in the field of emergency medicine. Discussions, Q&A sessions, and absorbing knowledge from the speakers were the core components of this workshop. It is expected that participants can apply the knowledge gained to design an optimal curriculum for the Specialist Emergency Medicine Education Program at FMHS UNISMUH Makassar.
In conclusion, the Workshop on Developing Curriculum for Specialist Emergency Medicine Education Program conducted by FMHS UNISMUH Makassar on May 27-28, 2023, signifies an important step in the advancement of specialist education in the field of emergency medicine in Indonesia. By involving expert speakers and competent participants, this workshop aims to produce a high-quality curriculum to prepare specialist emergency doctors who can deliver responsive and effective medical care in emergency situations.