FK Unismuh Makassar Won National Champion at Ibnu Sina Medical Competition 2020
January 10, 2020 Comments Off on FK Unismuh Makassar Won National Champion at Ibnu Sina Medical Competition 2020 news,Prodi S1 Kedokteran fkunismuh

FKIK UNISMUH – The representative team of the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (FK Unismuh Makassar), Makassar, South Sulawesi, KTI Team Muh. Riswanda Yar Yara, Sagena Nurul Carisma and Arista Ardiyan Hamzah, won 1st place in the National Scientific Writing Competition and the public poster team Arsyllah Anwar, Wulan Masri, Maulia Mauman and the team Muh Abiyudo, Ainun Jariah, Muh Riswanda Yar yara respectively won 1st place and 2nd place in the National Public Poster at ISMC 2020, for Health Students with the main theme ‘Herbal Medicine’. After successfully defeating 8 rival teams in the final round of ISMC 2020 KTI and Public Poster branches, which was held in Makassar, Friday, January 10, 2020.

The hard struggle of the FK Unismuh Makassar representative team in participating in the KTI and Public Poster competitions is arguably extraordinary, starting from the process of submitting works, selecting finalists to the final presentation stage, the entire FK Unismuh representative team has prepared their work very carefully, it can be seen when facing the questions of the critical board of the jury is very extraordinary. The answers and explanations of the entire FK Unismuh champion team related to the content of the presentation were able to satisfy the jury.

After receiving the championship trophy and certificate as the 1st National champion from the Ibnu Sina Medical Competition 2020 Committee, KTI team leader Muh. Riswanda Yar yara expressed his pride in winning an honorable place.

“We are very happy and proud. This will continue to motivate us to further deepen our studies, especially on herbal medicine, and will try our best in the next competitions to make our Almatater proud so that it will be better known in national competitions,” said this FK Unismuh student.

On the same occasion, the head of the public poster team Abiyudo Nugroho expressed his deepest appreciation to the ISMC 2020 committee, because this activity can provide a forum for us young researchers to continue working.

“So what we feel, when we present our work in front of the judges is our own satisfaction. I hope Universitas Muslim Indonesia will continue to carry out this activity every year as a forum for us young researchers to channel our talents and work and of course I hope this work can be published to the public to be implemented. Not only ideas,” Abiyudo explained according to a release received by, Sunday, (12/1/2020).

Appreciating the champions, Dr. Andi Weri Mappasompa Sp.S as the ISMC 2020 KTI jury expressed his pride for all finalists who are extraordinary young people with quality thoughts on health.

“I am amazed, it turns out that they are not a generation that is apathetic to the problems of the world of health, especially related to herbal medicine. They are a responsive young generation. This can be seen from their scientific works. Their themes are very good, apart from being a scientific work, their work can be a reference for the development of herbal science in Indonesia,” he explained.

On the same occasion, Dr. Weri added that competition activities like this need to be held continuously every year and need to be more massive in the future, if necessary their works are published, and also this is a challenge for other FK campuses in Makassar, especially to make activities like this too. Because, there are so many potentials for good thinking about health among students in this generation.(rls)