Revision of SOP KEPK Unismuh Makassar
FKIK Unismuh- The Health Research Ethics Commission (KEPK) is an institution tasked with carrying out ethical assessments and assessments of research in the fields of medicine and health, especially research with human subjects. The results of the assessment will be the basis for the committee in providing an assessment of approval for the implementation of research. The assessment is conducted to maintain and guarantee the dignity, rights, safety and welfare of human beings involved in research. Included in its development, reviewing the ethical aspects of research using experimental animals as subjects.
The aim of the ECP is to protect the welfare of research candidates and subjects; by balancing a number of moral considerations relevant to the research protocol/procedure, including respect for autonomy, protection and enhancement of subject welfare. Of course, good research, from both scientific and ethical aspects, will produce scientific work that is accountable, while protecting the researchers themselves from unaccountable actions.
KEPK FKIK Unismuh itself has been formed since September 2021, and has carried out regular reviews of research proposals by the academic community of FKIK Unismuh Makassar. The first Chairperson of KEPK FKIK Unismuh until now is Dr. Muhammad Ihsan Kitta, M.Kes, Sp.OT (K), Vice Chairperson Dr. A. Salsa Anggeraini, M.Kes, and Secretary Juliani Ibrahim, M.Sc, Ph.D..
KEPK FKIK Unismuh Makassar was pioneered by the Dean of FKIK Unismuh, Prof. Dr. Suryani As’ad, M.Sc, Sp.GK (K), who is also the chairperson of KEPK Faculty of Medicine Unhas, or which has now changed to Unhas Ethics Commission, with the expansion of review authority to fields other than Medicine and Health Sciences.
One of the important developments in the discussion of the development of the KEPK Unismuh research review SOP is the addition of review items related to the value of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan which is the characterizing competence of graduates of FKIK Unismuh Makassar, as stated in the vision and mission of FKIK Unismuh.